The path of entrepreneurship through acquisition

When we talk about entrepreneurship, the first thing that comes to mind is starting a company from a garage. However, there are various ways towards a successful business journey, and one of these paths is entrepreneurship by acquisition. Top-level universities and business schools like the Harvard Business School, Columbia University, The University of Chicago, and Duke University, among many others, even offer Entrepreneurship by Acquisition in their curricula.

Entrepreneurs' biggest lesson learned in 2020

The year 2020 may be one of the most challenging times that everyone, including entrepreneurs, has experienced. Despite the hardships we experienced due to COVID-19 that has disrupted many lives, the hurdles and struggles have also brought us a lot of lessons and learnings, especially to business owners who have to survive for their teams, families, customers and other stakeholders.

EO Members share the biggest lesson they learned from the previous year, with the hope of taking their learnings with them as they move forward in their entrepreneurial journey.

President's Update - February 2021

From the President

Dear EO Melbourne,

“In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities.
In the expert’s mind, there are few.”
- Shunryu Suzuki

My journey into EO started in 2015 when I was ready to revert back to the beginner’s mind.

At that stage, I had only been in business for 5 years but already felt like it was a lifetime after living and breathing it each day.

5 ways you can easily make your business more environment-friendly

“Go Green.” We often see this call-to-action in advertisements, advocacy campaigns and establishments. Businesses have become more conscious of their impact on the environment and have joined efforts in minimising their carbon footprint to help preserve our planet’s biodiversity. But how do you get your business and your entire team to go green?

A recipe to a successful mentor-mentee relationship

“Access to knowledge is easy, but access to wisdom is difficult.”

- Kym Huynh

Founder of WeTeachMe and EO Melbourne’s Past President

What is the best recipe to a successful mentorship experience? There may be many ways to make the most out of the mentorship program, but for John Paolacci, Director at KMG Advisory, and his mentee Kym Huynh, it was more than just learning how to deal with their respective businesses but it is also about enhancing their perspectives in life and contributing to their personal development.

During their most recent mentorship sessions, John invited Kym over to his house and prepared his father’s gnocchi with him. Kym watched John closely while he cooked gnocchi in his kitchen. Kym found meaning and inspiration from this experience.

A Reflection: EO Melbourne’s “Our Best Year Yet!”

In retrospect to the year 2020 and how it has become one of the most challenging years in modern times, EO Melbourne Past President Kym Huynh recalls how it has affected the chapter and highlights the lessons that the experience has brought to him.

“Think of that one thing that when you achieve it, will make you want to jump up on the table, pop open a bottle of champagne, and start dancing.” This was the picture that Kym painted when he wanted people to consider what needed to happen for the 2019/2020 year to their best year it. It also coincidently happened to be the EO Melbourne’s 2019/2020 theme.

Level Up Your Life

Having clarity of vision and developing the habits, tools and life-hacks to bring your BHAG into fruition this 2021 and beyond

As we leave 2020 and all its challenges behind, it is but apt to make 2021 a year where we level up our lives and set our minds to accomplish the things we want to achieve. Often, the big question is: where do we start? The “how” can be quite daunting.

To help entrepreneurs achieve their full potential and enable transformational growth in the lives of its members, EO Melbourne recently held the virtual workshop “Level Up Your Life” where OAK Journal Founder and EO Colorado Member Keith Roberts shared the tools, structure and habits
to reach one’s limitless potential through its 90-day structured OAK Journal.

Motivational quotes from EO Members from around the globe

A great way to start the new year is to take inspiration from entrepreneurs who have faced so many challenges and made through them through their passion and determination. Whether it’s a little push to keep you going, a new idea that you can bring to your journey or a thought that will let you take a giant leap, these nuggets of wisdom will help guide you moving forward.

Bring out your inner warrior to confront an uncertain 2021

By Tui Cordemans

Instagram posts are full of inspiring optimism for 2021. We just couldn’t wait for 2020 to end and for 2021 to start. It is as if something magical happens when one year turns into another. Hence, we make New Year’s resolutions. But why do we have to wait for a New Year? I don’t know about you, but I have never had a New Year’s resolution come to fruition unless I have worked hard at making it happen. Things do not magically transpire just because one year turns into another.

President's Update - December

From the President

Dear EO Melbourne,

A year that simultaneously feels as if it’s been the fastest yet longest 366 days.

A year that has pushed all of us into realms of discomfort and growth.

A year that will go down in history for all the right and wrong reasons.

There’s something comforting about starting a new year fresh, even if it’s only a clock’s hand tick away from the year before. The significance of being able to turn to a new page on a brand new year can bring a sense of relief and a spark of optimism.

EO Melbourne Members who were recognised in 2020 for their outstanding achievements

The year 2020 is perhaps one of the most challenging times due to the current global crisis that everyone is experiencing. Yet, amidst the sullenness that the pandemic may have brought upon us, some shine bright, inspiring and encouraging us to keep on and face the difficulties with optimism and determination.

Among them are entrepreneurs and companies that have been recognised by various institutions and organisations in their respective industries for the hard work and brilliance they have shown through their businesses.

Books by EO Melbourne Members

Our society is now mostly driven by electronics and gadgets to make things get done faster and easier. However, we often get too caught up with so many things we see on TV, online or on smartphone apps. It’s sometimes refreshing to go offline and enjoy other simple things that can fill your mind and senses with great inspirations, especially by reading books.

With that, we are recommending these great reads authored by EO Melbourne members. These are books written by entrepreneurs that contain lessons and tips, which you can bring with you to your business and entrepreneurial journey.

What quirky hobbies do entrepreneurs have?

Hobbies can help an individual learn new things, acquire additional knowledge, declutter the mind, bond with people who share the same interest, and warm the heart. Hobbies are beneficial to the physical, mental and emotional well-being of a person, especially to entrepreneurs and business leaders.

Intriguingly, some entrepreneurs have quirky hobbies that show us their fun side that we do not get to see most often. EO Melbourne members share their interests when they’re not on their laptops immersed in their business.

EO Melbourne events during the first half of 2020-2021

It is halfway through the 2020-2021 term, and amidst all the challenges of lockdown and other restrictions, EO Melbourne has endeavoured to provide various avenues for its community of entrepreneurs, as well as their families, to grow in their journey.

Despite events taking place virtually, it didn’t stop the chapter from coming up with interesting, informational and enjoyable activities that are beneficial to its members. Here are some of the online events that have happened for the last six months.

Have you ever wanted to chat with a real-life hacker?

Due to restrictions on physical movements to contain the spread of COVID-19, more and more activities and transactions have moved from the physical space into the virtual space. As online transactions flourish and become more widespread, the threat to cybersecurity and privacy also becomes more prevalent.

Small and medium enterprises are not exempt from such risks and probable attacks. Concerns like these are what Adam Bennett and his team in Red Piranha are trying to address. They are white hat hackers, also known as ethical hackers, who are the good guys that break into computers and devices to test an organisation’s defence against the bad guys.

3 Valuable Traits for Leading People

Being a leader often requires one to wear several hats, portray different roles and attend to so many responsibilities. Having the right skills and qualities can help leaders to lead their team towards their goals. Johann Odou, Founder and Director of Vumero and Executive Director of Sports Tech World Series shares the three most valuable traits he believes are needed in leading people successfully.

Partners in advancing entrepreneurs and their businesses

One of the benefits of being a member of EO is having access to the products and services of its Strategic Alliance Partners and being able to learn from them. As many businesses are struggling to get back on track due to the global pandemic, EO Melbourne and its partners provided virtual events to support those in the EO community during these challenging times.

President's Update - November

From the President

Dear EO Melbourne,

Finally, we’ve reached the light at the end of the tunnel.

Businesses are opening up again. We’re able to socialise and connect in the flesh.

It feels like a huge weight has been lifted, doesn’t it?

It’s because humans are social creatures. We seek belonging and we seek understanding.

And it’s why we’ve all been pulled to join EO and be part of this community.

Three Qualities of a Successful Entrepreneur

Effective business leaders are those who can steer their companies and teams towards the road to success. As the path may often be filled with potholes and uphill climbs, it is advantageous if those who drive their organisations forward possess the right values and characteristics that can help them reach their goals successfully at the least possible time.

Jacob Spencer, Owner and Managing Director of Mobile Skips, cites the various virtues that he finds useful when leading a team. Among them, he names three qualities – persistence, patience and resilience – as the most significant in shaping him to become who he is today. He shared, “There are many, many traits and attributes that have helped me on my journey as a business leader. On reflection, I believe these three have been the most important and have had the biggest impact on me.”