Innovate your products and services to grow your business

In a world where competition and survival are inherently embedded in our DNA, the playing field in the entrepreneurial space becomes tougher and tougher every single day. There is no room for complacency, which can only drag a business towards a downward slope. It often calls for a lot of creativity and innovation to bring your venture a notch higher than it used to be.


Merriam-Webster defines innovation as “a new idea, method, or device; the introduction of something new; can refer to something new or to a change made to an existing product, idea, or field.” Innovating your products and services will help you expand your venture and increase your earnings. It will also keep your customers or clients interested in your brand.

How do you innovate your items, amenities or services? When you get to the drawing board, take into consideration the following tips that can help you develop new merchandise goods or skill offerings to your clientele.

Review your current offerings

There’s no need to look too far to find concepts that you can use for innovation. By reviewing your existing offerings, you can generate several ideas that will enable you to introduce something novel in your present line-up. You can improve your product menu by upgrading your current merchandise or upskilling your people for added services. However, remember to remain true to the brand you represent and the industry where you belong. Don’t come up with new products that are too disconnected from what you currently have.

Innovate your systems and processes

Prior to instituting changes in your list of products and service on offer, innovate first your systems and processes. You may need to automate, use new software, shorten certain processes or speed up some procedures in your business. Make certain that you have laid down the necessary foundation that can absorb and support the changes in your enterprise. It is helpful to prepare your internal environment and stakeholders by modifying certain methods and instilling stability and coherence in your organisation.

Brainstorm with your team

Make brainstorming a regular activity in your team. It is good to have a Research & Development department, but if you don’t have one, you can opt to hire a consultant or utilise the skills and creativity of your existing staff. Check with your frontliners regarding the feedback and observations they get from your customers. Huddle with your team on the difficulties they encounter with your present products and services and how they can be improved. Get them to suggest improvements by establishing an atmosphere of openness and creativity.

Provide a venue for reviews, complaints and suggestions

Your customers, clients, and suppliers are also a rich mine of concepts for product innovation. Create a feedback system where you will be able to generate ideas from them. Consider not only their suggestions but also their complaints and turn them as a potential part in your innovation plan. Understand that your market’s needs evolve over time, so you also have to keep pace by upgrading your products and services and providing new solutions and added value to them.

Analyse market and industry trends

Change happens constantly and continuously. To be ahead of the game, you either pivot and introduce something mindblowing or be abreast with the trends in the market or industry. If you fall behind you might lose momentum and may not be able to keep up with the changing tide. Persistently watch out for possible trade movements and business development. Market research is an important aspect of the innovation process. Keep your eyes and ears open for things that may spark inspiration within you. Check the news, industry reports, and even social media posts, as they might be helpful in giving you ideas on how to improve your menu of offerings.

Test your new products or services

Once you have already come up with an idea and plan, set the ball rolling immediately. Test your new products and services to see how effective they are in attracting and retaining customers. Sometimes, you will never really know how good a product is unless you put it out there. If you find any gap in your new offering, correct it straightaway until you perfect it.

Communicate the changes

When you have done your product innovation, be sure to communicate it efficiently. Get the proper trademark for intellectual property. Come up with a marketing plan and launch your new product or service to the market. There’s no use innovating your offerings if people will not know about it. Produce materials and events that will bring these novel ideas closer to your customers.

Innovating requires risks and resources. It is a tedious process but the result, if done right, can be rewarding. How often you do product innovation really depends on you and the pace of change in your industry. Ask around and do some research of businesses that have done it so that you are well-informed when you make a decision of introducing something novel in your venture.