How to pivot a business

During interesting times, such as a global pandemic and an economic crisis, some industries and businesses suffer due to little, no or negative growth. It often happens during normal days as well, when the market does not seem to be enthusiastic about a brand or certain products or offerings. There are several moments when a business hits a plateau or reaches a downward slope. When this occurs, maybe it’s time to revisit your goals and if you need to do a pivot.


Pivoting is an option to save your business from eventual failure. If you do it at the right time and proper strategy, you may be able to even grow your venture. While it may not be easy to do a turn, especially if it’s something that may not be aligned to your core products or services, it is an opportunity to test your flexibility and resourcefulness.

The question is how do you pivot? How do you decide what kind of new offer should you be doing? How do you get out of the mould and institute changes in your business?

Assess your talents and assets

Have an inventory of your assets and talents. Maybe you can use your raw materials and turn them into something else that is unique, affordable and marketable. What are your other skills and talents? You can probably turn a business out of it. If you have hobbies and you are good at them, you can consider creating a business out of those. See how your other resources and talents can respond to a need in society. Some businesses are born out of necessity, while others are built because of ingenuity, generating new interest from the public.

Look at opportunities for new demand

Feel the pulse of your customers and see what keeps them preoccupied or if there’s anything that can make things easier for them. The best way to pivot is to create new demand for your market. Find gaps in society and evaluate how you will be able to fill that gap. Opportunities usually come in areas where there’s most need, so keep your eyes open for them. Some of them may be unrelated to your current offering. Look beyond what you currently have and view the scenario from the eyes of your current and prospective clientele.

Explore the digital world

Take advantage of modern technology. If you can bring your business to the realm of the digital space, you can probably come up with tons of possibilities to pivot your business. Transactions are done faster online, and with the occurrence of the pandemic, more and more industries are turning to the virtual world to deliver the services they can offer.

Innovate your business model or offerings

Is your business model still working? Are your products and services in demand at this time? If the answer to both questions is “no”, then probably it’s time to rethink your strategies and approach. Brainstorm with your team and assess how you can innovate to pivot your venture. You can bring your products a notch higher by innovating or introducing something novel to your clients.

When your business hits a wall, find ways how you can go over or around it. Look into how businesses that have successfully pivoted did it and learn from their best practices. There are many ways to pivot. Be creative. Consider carefully various alternatives and plan your next steps towards achieving your goal.