The 2022/23 Board.
EO Melbourne Members and their partners and guests gathered for an exciting and fun Saturday night to celebrate the End-of-Financial-Year (EOFY) and mark this new chapter with the Board Handover during the annual Gala Dinner.
2021/22 President Socrates Capouleas (right) hands over the leadership to 2022/23 President Damian Blumenkranc (left).
The chapter thanked 2021/22 President Socrates Capouleas and the Board and then welcomed 2022/23 President Damian Blumenkranc and his Board:
President: Damian Blumekranc
Accelerator Chair: Anthony Lam
Accelerator Chair: Ashley Bent
Communications Chair: Costa Vasili
Finance Chair: James Murray
Forum Chair: Rob Roy Rankin
Forum Chair: Richard Fuessel
Learning Chair: Kate Save
Learning Co-Chair: Matthew Beesley
Member Engagement Chair: John Bevitt
Member Engagement Chair: John Liston
Membership Chair: James Murray
Membership Co-Chair: Meirav Ambar
Mentorship and Key Executive Chair: Jenifer Clift
Strategic Alliance Partnership Chair: Socrates Capouleas
Ken Matthews (2nd from right) was recognised with the President’s Award during the night.
Winners of various awards were also honoured during the evening. Hailed as the Accelerator of the Year was Mena Mikhail, Founder of Heven. The President’s Award was awarded to Ken Matthews, Managing Partner at Matthews Steer Accountants and Advisors and Board Member at Family Business Australia. The chapter named Miguel Donnenfeld, Co-Founder of Creativa Videos, as the Danny Guest Awardee for Bravery in Business.
UNA took the 1st place at the Forum Cup.
During the night, the winners of the Forum Cup were also announced. Bagging 1st place was the UNA forum, followed by MOSO in 2nd place, and Feverish in 3rd place. Each team received special prizes for accumulating the highest forum points throughout the year.
The chapter also recognised Accelerator grads Kate Blundy and Alex Schnyder who have now joined as EO Members.
On a different note, the Global Communications Committee has rewarded the EO Melbourne chapter with US$1,000 as one of the top five chapters in the region with the highest percentage of member profiles with the EO branding on LinkedIn.
Congratulations to all the winners! With this year’s theme focused on unleashing the Power of EO Melbourne, we look forward to a fun and more exciting FY 2022/23 for the chapter!