There are times that your marketing ideas hit a slump when your brand appears ordinary and your activities become a routine. It’s always good to put variety in your marketing strategies. You can brainstorm with your team to get various insights, but you still need to widen your horizon to find inspiration from things within and outside your workplace.
12 YouTube channels for entrepreneurs
One of the great resources of information for entrepreneurs is YouTube. There are plenty of things that can be found in this platform, varying from several genres and interests. To help you find amazing content, we have listed down 12 YouTube channels that you can follow and watch their videos that are rich in insights and learnings.
The art of negotiation in the entrepreneurial world
Running a business entails interaction and engagement with different people and various players in the industry. One major component in the entrepreneurial journey is negotiating for your business. You do it when hiring or retaining a staff member, purchasing materials, contracting suppliers, getting into a partnership or marketing and selling your product or services.
Nurturing effective communication in the workplace
Communication happens in our everyday life. It plays a fundamental part in the business world because it keeps the whole engine running. The same goes for any venture, big or small. But for your organisation to run smoothly, you need to hone good communication methods and tone down those that can cause problems.
Why you need market research for your business
Starting a business entails a lot of risks involved. You put into it your financial resources as well as your time, ideas and energy. The costs are high, and the risks are great. There is a huge probability of failure if you do not carefully plan how to build your venture, while your success rate may be substantial if you do the necessary preparations.
Things to know before you franchise
Franchising is one of the business models that aspiring entrepreneurs explore when they think of entering the business world. There is already a system in place and a brand that is recognised by customers. Although there are many success stories on franchising, there are also futile ones. Before you go into franchising, you have to weigh first the pros and cons and their possible effects on you.
Increasing sales through online shopping sites
If you are a startup or a small enterprise and you want to sell your products using the online platform, you can promote them on your site and provide an option for site visitors to purchase them there. However, you can move your products faster if you make them available in top online shopping sites.
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How to drive traffic to your site
20 Podcasts for entrepreneurs
The beginning of the 21st century saw the rise of podcasts as a new way of sharing information to the public. It broadcasts content and distributes them as audio files using apps or the internet. Entrepreneurs saw the value of podcasts in increasing their knowledge as they can conveniently listen to them anytime they want.
Planting and growing the seed of entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship is like gardening where you plant and nurture your business so that it grows and bears fruit. It takes a lot of labour, notwithstanding external factors, to achieve the result you envision. Nevertheless, you till the ground, water the plant and care for it until it yields its produce for a good harvest.
Essential business software tools
Speed and efficiency are necessary ingredients in running a business. You need tools that will help you fast track your operations effectively, sort out your internal structure, keep up with the demands of your clientele, compete well in your industry, and protect your venture from possible threats.
Industries where startups thrive
More and more startups are on the rise, and there are industries where new businesses thrive. Such industries provide an environment that allows recent players room for growth and opportunities. Emerging industries set the stage for fresh ideas and concepts while established ones experience a changing landscape through disruptive technology.
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Planning your business budget well
The benefits of blogging to your business
Blogging has been around for more than two decades, and it has become widely used from personal journals to marketing and commercial purposes. Various brands and companies have also turned to blogs to communicate with their stakeholders. A blog gives an added dimension to your website, which usually has standard pages that do not need frequent updating.
Rafting through the entrepreneurial rapids
The perils of letting the powerful flow of water push you along a maze of huge sharp boulders are extremely high. It’s the same with putting your efforts and resources in establishing and running a business – you can gain so much or lose a lot. Despite the hardships, the whole adventure brings excitement and adrenaline rush. The satisfaction that the end of the surge gives to those who take it is even greater for those who finish it.
Cloud storage: where to store your data
The 20th century saw the creation of cloud storage, but it was in the 21st century when it gained widespread use. Many businesses, especially those with offices, staff or dealings in two or more locations, have resorted to putting their data on a cloud platform for easy storage, sharing and collaboration. Understandably, it is a technology that most companies turn to in making their operations faster and more efficient.
Business leadership styles you can learn from entertaining guests
Augmented Reality as a business tool
Augmented Reality (AR) has become a buzz term because of apps that utilise this technology. However, do not confuse AR with VR or virtual reality. VR provides an immersive experience beyond the physical realm into a simulated environment. Meanwhile, AR produces computer augmentations over a real scenario, mixing reality with enhanced graphics.