President’s Special Update on Sustaining EO Melbourne Through the Crisis #1


From the President

Dear EO Melbourne Members,

For so many of us, the last few weeks have been incredibly difficult and trying, and we are grateful for the outpouring of support and solidarity that have shown from this powerful community. It has been nothing short of amazing.

During times of crisis, we have the opportunity to decide whether we are brought closer together or torn further apart. What I have witnessed, from the numerous phone calls, to Members reaching out personally to each other, and to Past President Carlo Santoro facilitating a well-attended emergency event this week to discuss the impacts of this pandemic, proves to me that for us, it is the former. It is in times like these that our humanity shines through and shows that we are all in this together.

Whilst none of us are certain about the short, medium and long-term impacts or outcomes at the moment, we as a Board and Chapter are doing everything we can to support our fellow Members. Please see below a few updates on what we are working on, and we will be communicating regularly so you are abreast of updates.

Let's all work together to minimise the impacts of this pandemic. If you haven’t yet, I encourage you to pick up the phone and reach out to another Member. Sometimes, you can give a lot by giving a little, and your phone call can make all the difference for another person.

With warmth and gratitude,

Kym Huynh
President 2019/2020


EO event cancellations

With the growing effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on countries, businesses, communities and individuals, the EO Melbourne board has discussed certain measures to assist our Members while taking precautionary steps for the upcoming events and activities of our chapter.

In the meantime, all EO Melbourne events are cancelled until the end of March, and we will continue to re-evaluate our position and keep our Members informed.

COVID-19 crisis support

Your health and well-being are of utmost importance. If you are feeling unwell, such as having a dry cough, fever or respiratory difficulties you should be tested and/or self-isolate until the virus can be ruled out.

Should you require emergency crisis support, please reach out to a fellow Member. Below are also some further resources/support services that you can draw upon should you need it:

There is also a page with all the translated health resources about COVID-19, which is essential for non-English speakers.

EO resources

Here are EO links if you're trying to navigate your business through this current situation.

Forum support

We will respect that different Members have different risk tolerances and different situations that lead them to take alternative views on exposure, and we will provide an environment where the views of all, especially the most risk-averse are respected. Having said that, it is up to your Forum to choose how you would like to meet, respecting everyone's needs. If you do wish to meet face-to-face, please remember those in our community who have venues and spaces you can utilise.

We encourage each Member to self-determine if they will attend Forum over the coming 4 weeks, or not, and without any penalty. In other words, it should not be considered an absence. We believe that common sense should prevail and that each Moderator can manage this and determine if Zoom is a viable methodology to use for Members, who may prefer to not attend the physical Forum. This is your decision either way and your Moderator should govern the suggestions and planning.

  • The EO Virtual forum guide lays down the basic format and some best practices in holding a virtual EO Forum.

EO Melbourne social media support

As a community, we want to keep you up to speed, so we have set up a WhatsApp group for more updates and exchange of information. There are also related posts in our Facebook group.

If you haven't yet filled out the EO APAC all member survey, please fill it up now. It will only take you five minutes to complete it.

EO Raleigh Durham COVID-19 webinar series

EO Raleigh Durham has graciously opened their COVID-19 webinar series to all EO Members. Please see the below invite from EO Raleigh President Todd Atlas, along with the series listing.

“In these challenging times, we have gathered a few experts for remote online learning and info-sharing to help your businesses combat the realities of Covid-19. Please join us for these virtual meetings "COVID-19 and Your Business." Rather than just making these meetings available for members of our chapter, we have worked with EO global to make these available to all EO members."  - Todd Atlas, EO Raleigh Durham President.

For questions about these events please contact Chapter Staff, Amy Henning at Full description of the webinars is found here.

  1. Coronavirus and your business response, rationale and Q&A - Monday, 16 March, 2:00 PM-2:45 PM EST -

  2. Work at home best practices round table - Wednesday, 18 March, 8:30 AM-9:15 AM EST
    (Option 1) -

  3. Work at home best practices round table - Wednesday, 18 March, 3:00 PM-3:45 PM
    EST(Option 2) -

  4. Disaster Loans and the SBA - Thursday, 19 March, 2:30 PM-3:15 PM EST -

  5. Contingency Planning with Randy Nelson - Wednesday, 25 March, 2:00 PM-2:45 PM EST -